No Escape (1994) [spoRv]

_,,,^..^,,,_ presents:

NO ESCAPE (1994) [spoRv]

| PROJECTS: Released | In progress | Future | Mission & Setup |

to release No Escape in High Definition Blu-ray format.

Video sources: HDTV, DVD.

Audio sources: Laserdisc, DVD.

Subtitles sources: DVD.

Project info:

“No Escape” is a forgotten action movie of the ’90s; albeit it’s not a masterpiece, it still deserves an high definition restoration; the PAL DVDs are horrible, as they are cropped at 1.85:1 – while the OAR was 2.35:1 – with a quite bad quality…

Video is taken from an HDTV broadcast, 1920×1080 2.35:1 25fps; it is slowed down to 23.976fps; initial credits are replaced using the original ones from laserdisc, as the main logo title; laserdisc video is used also to replace the logo part that intrudes into the picture and so is used as a “patch”!

Main English audio track is taken from laserdisc, PCM Dolby Surround; it is converted from 44.1KHz to 48KHz to be BD compliant; all five languages (plus English) are taken from the PAL DVD; they are all Dolby Digital 2.0 tracks; they are converted from 25fps to 23.976fps.

Subtitles for all five languages are from PAL DVD.

A 28 minutes “making of” is included; it is converted from PAL 25fps to HD 23.976fps; audio is english and subtitles are included for all the five languages.

Source Material


  • Escape de Absolom – HDTV
  • No Escape – US NTSC laserdisc



  • No Escape – US NTSC laserdisc
  • Fuga da Absolom – IT PAL DVD



  • No Escape – US NTSC laserdisc
  • Fuga da Absolom – IT PAL DVD


Project Status: near completion

Final format: BD-25


1920×1080, 23.976fps, A.R. 2.35:1, AVC encoded


PCM 16bit 1536kbps 2.0 Dolby Surround from laserdisc: English

DD 16bit 192kbps 2.0 Dolby Surround from PAL DVD: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish


from PAL DVD: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish


Animated menu, 28 minutes “making of”, plus the original trailer


Welcome additions from forum users will be – if they exist: more extra material, audio commentary.