I like to restore and preserve those movies that are not readily available on the market, or have undergone some kind of revisionism… so, let’s take them to their original splendor!
In this blog, you will find some interesting facts and point of views (mine, in particular, of course) about not only video restoration, but also about everything that could be related to this topic, like hardware and movie reviews, guides, and something more.
If you note that a LOT of posts are made one after the other, don’t worry, I’m not a wizard (am I?); it’s just that I decided to post here something I wrote before in other places! But I thought to collect them here because it’s easier – for me and for you – to find them…
where can i download the open matte versions of the matrix trilogy? All the torrents I’ve found are either dead or incomplete.
thank you
on usenet I think…
hi sorry,
what i meant to say in that last email was that the reason alot of people don’t like alien vs predator requiem is because of technical issues (the lighting, which you fixed). I think the same reason alot of people don’t like predator 2 is also because of technical issues (the sound mix). I would love to see you tackle predator 2 and redo the sound.
the gunfire in predator 2 is very loud. also there seems to be too much noise at times which is distracting and over whelming for the viewer.
i think if someone were to solve these technical issues predator 2 would be seen in a better light.
PS i really like what you did with avpr by the way
Many thanks for your kind words!
i would like a copy of the halloween any chances in uploading to hugefiles or 180upload or mega or ulozto.net?
You can find it on tehparadoxical forum…
I’ve been trying to find a copy of your Beauty & the Beast colour correction. Disney’s remastered versions are horrid and completely destroy the tone of the film. I came across your work on a forum and wondered where the best place to find it as I’m drawing a blank.
Hi, Ive been looking for the Heavy Metal Workprint and Heavy Metal version B Workprint (I already have version A). This might help http://www.movie-censorship.com/report.php?ID=1946. Any place I should be looking? Thanks either way.
As written in the first post of the workprint master list, I have not any workprint, nor I know where to find out, sorry…
do you have links for the workprints you have ?
As I wrote before, I have no workprints, so consequentely no links… sorry!
I hope all is well, nice blog thank you for the information. By any chance do you have a copy of Hulk Remixed.
Hi. I was hoping by chance if you might have the Predator 2 workprint or know who has it.
Sorry, I have not, and I don’t know anyone who has it… 🙁
I have a lot to trade!! Do you havevthe Octopussy workprint?
Sorry, I have not… 🙁